Smarmy Fahrradkongress
There is probably a fine, long German word that aptly describes the social, cultural and industrial phenomenon that is Interbike. Part of that word should include kitschig which, according to those whom I rely upon for such transliteration, means smarmy, though there seems not be an exact German word for this.
Smarmy, because the trade show takes place in Las Vegas, the only place in the world where gold chains, side burns, white patent leather shoes and Sansabelt pants can be pulled off and, in the right context, might even be cool.
Another part of that long German word must include fahrrad because, at some point, an attendee must turn his attention to the upcoming season’s bikes. The end-users of such bikes and associated goods likewise want to see what’s new.
To that end, we present a few more Tim Carlson photos of what we saw at this year’s kitschigerfahrradkongress.