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Graphing geometric themes

The exercise here is in the understanding of a tri bike’s frame geometry. There are several things worth noting, and this ought to impact, or at least inform, your buying decisions.

Inputs and Outputs: Volume 1

In about a month, I’ll have two bikes in my garage: a P3 and a Slice. The P3 was an output, that is, it was the result of a process. The Slice was an input: It commenced a process. Confused? Let me explain.

On Liveability

The swim portion of the Freshwater Trust Portland Triathlon takes place adjacent to a Superfund site. Yet, Triathlete magazine dubbed this the “Greenest Race in the World.” Read how.

On Disaster

In seven years of organizing triathlons there has been only one thing, one entity, that has caused me to seriously consider a different line of work: the New York State Department of Transportation.

On Technology

I was educated as a computer science engineer. I spent long nights searching for misplaced semicolons and fussing over finicky EPROMs. Thank the Good Lord I am now a race director.

The Needle and the Damage Done

WADA has updated its list of banned substances for 2010. There are notable changes to last year’s list and, if you’re an AGer, don’t think this doesn’t apply to you.

Year of the Contact Point

There should be a practicality to things that trumps even what the designer or seller intended for his product. Filling the gap between products-as-intended and products-as-needed is the tinkerer’s raison d’être.

Adjust your Exit bike

It’s a bit of inside baseball, only for hard core bike fitters and those who follow the process as a hobby. The Exit fit bike – the standard for tri bike fitting pros – undergoes a protocol change.

On Beauty

The finish is the focal point of any triathlon. Typically blow-up arches are employed, accompanied by the ever-present drone of gas generators. For an event intent on embracing environmental sustainability, that wouldn’t do.

In between bike sizes?

Looking for a new bike, and find you’re in between sizes? Your LBS owner will tell you to choose the smaller size, and he’s been saying that since, well, forever. But it’s the wrong answer, at least nowadays, at least in tri.

On Design

Jeff Henderson, RD of the Musselman Tri, authored an insightful newbie race director’s diary in 2003. He begins a new set of installments: A chronicle of what he’s learned in the intervening 7 years.