2010 Eurobike Day 3
We perused more halls and aisles today at Eurobike 2010 and have a few more pictures below. Today was the last industry only day and tomorrow this huge venue will be open to the public.
Enjoy this link to the Day 3 gallery
Cervelo's Gerard Vroomen with the P4 Evo, a frame that has received quite a few updates for 2011. Some of the changes such as the updated seatpost binder plug can be retrofitted on the original P4.

Now how fast do you think you could go with this aero bike?

When your booth is outside anyway, a Merry-Go-Round is not such a bad idea.

Not all exhibitors actually have a booth, well, all official ones do. The guys from Subtil Bikes just cruised around with theirs.

The Catlike Chrono Aero Pro is scheduled to be available in the USA.