2010 Interbike Outdoor Demo – day 1
The 2010 Interbike show opened today with the first of two Outdoor Demo days at Bootleg Canyon in Boulder City, NV. With the show moving to Anaheim, CA next year, this is the last opportunity for folks to enjoy the cozy warm Outdoor Demo conditions near Las Vegas. We share a few impressions from that first day.
Jim Felt and David Koesel have a chat during a Felt pep talk prior to show start.

Todd Sellden of Carbon Drive is getting dwarfed by this funky Black Sheep bike with the Carbon Drive's belt system.

A long registration line started to build up outside the Outdoor Demo area shortly after 9am.

The Castelli Nano Flex fabric holds water nicely on the outside and is currently available as arm warmers, knee warmers and leg warmers. More apparel items are planned for the spring.

Campagnolo's marketing coordinator Dan Mayer is about to head out on a ride with a few editors.

Ric Hjertberg of Mad Fiber with one of his radical looking wheels, which according to Hjertberg have very nice accidental aerodynamic benefits from the structural process.

A closer look at the hub area of the Mad Fiber wheel.

The newly designed seat post binder of the Orbea Orca is quite nice.

Scott Garrinther of the Radical Edge in Canada is about to get his hands on a Trek Speed Concept.

While it is paved here, these cyclists are heading out on the vast array of mountain bike trails of Bootleg Canyon.

The guys at ProTec are serving delicious hot dogs and other fine meat products for the show attendees for just tips and have enlisted Bob Provost of Vans to do the grilling. Kudos to the team at ProTec.

It is better to go overboard with sunscreen versus being too mellow with the application.

With the Mavic neutral support positioned well, riders are heading out to test various road bikes in Boulder City, NV.

Meanwhile inside the Sands Convention Center, Jim Pfeil of ENVE Composites (formerly known as Edge Composites) is still waiting for his booth to show up. A sadly familiar issue at the show.

We got an early copy of the re-designed Triathlete Magazine in out hands just in time for Interbike and in addition to a new logo, the whole layout has been changed.