A fine day with Dave Mirra
Dave Mirra is very passionate about triathlon and this former BMX superstar is now all in. This is his 3rd year in this sport and I followed him around for a day in Greenville, NC where Mirra resides with his wife, 2 young daughters and 2 feisty little dogs.
Dave Mirra is very comfortable in his modern home just outside of Greenville, NC.
Mirra loves sushi and he and his friend and training partner Bruce Richter met up with me at the Wasabi 88 restaurant to hatch out a battle plan for this Day With project.
Lauren Mirra chatted with her husband before he took off for an easy morning run.
Mirra now works with coach Cliff English and really likes where he currently is with his run. He has also learned that on some days you are not going to feel great.
Here Mirra is on his way back from that morning 5k run. He more recently switched to the higher hand position while running.
After the run, a quick check of messages, emails and news.
A fan of Dave Mirra has made this miniature replica Rally Cross team jacket for his dog. Coincidentally Mirra will leave on Saturday to go to Barcelona, Spain to do some driving for the MINI Cooper team.
On the way to the pool Mirra recalled a terrifying deadly accident he witnessed the day before, and was still heavily on his mind.
As Mirra gets ready for a set of mostly 50s, some elderly Greenville folks in the background are already well into their workout inside the Aquatic Center.
In between one of the sets Mirra adjusted his goggles briefly before launching again. He hit most of the 50s in about 40 seconds.
With the second workout done Mirra was ready for some lunch. The HE>I on his hat stands for He Is Greater Than I, and is a Hawaiian lifestyle brand.
A wrap and water hit the spot, but Mirra also handled a few business calls during the time. The man is very much in demand.
After lunch Mirra got ready for a bike ride, and he almost exclusively rides his TT bike in training, and set up the way he races it.
The roads near his home were very scenic and narrow, and there was virtually no traffic at the time Mirra had chosen.
Mirra also trains in his Kask Bambino helmet, as it is too expensive to just sit around. He also told me that this Kask one reminds him of a BMX hemet.
Mirra switched out the ski bends with s bends and has his hands very relaxed on top of them.
His daughters cheered for their dad who prides himself to Be A Dad, And Not A Fad.
Mirra was flying through the countryside and made it all look easy. Next race for him will be 70.3 Raleigh.
A kiss for dad after the last training session of this day is done.
Dave Mirra told me that he wasn't a dog person, but is now completely smitten with these 2 little cuties. Well, initially there was only one, but Dave suggested to his wife getting a 2nd one.

The man made lake behind Mirra's house makes for a convenient 1 mile open water swim loop.

Slow motion video of Dave Mirra during his morning run.
One more slow motion video of Dave Mirra, but this time on his Cervelo P5
You can also follow Dave Mirra on Twitter @davemirra and on Instagram via @davemirra
All images and videos © Herbert Krabel / slowtwitch.com