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Halo free, but a long way to go

A terrible accident a few days before the 2017 IRONMAN World Championships took Brit Tim Don out of the race. The Halo finally came off, but he is still a long way from being fully recovered.

A Heart in Two Worlds

For the Butterfields, John Denver is on the iPod. Horses, llamas, goats, chickens, guinea fowl, and a peacock. But Bermuda is not forgotten.

Tri Talk 2017

With all the visual excitement of triathlon, sometimes the well spoken word can have a lasting impact worth a thousand pictures.

Bermuda Swimcation

I tend to travelogue our family Slowcations here, and here is our latest: open water swimming in Bermuda.

Marshal Your Indignation

Let’s disagree on much. But those who traverse the land under human powered locomotion should be of one mind on our public lands.