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A Chat with Barry Berg

Canadian age grouper Barry Berg has qualified for Kona a few times and also has sought out other unique endurance challenges. We sat down with him and had a chat.

Onwards for Frederik Van Lierde

The 2013 IRONMAN World Champion Frederik Van Lierde is only 41, but he is walking away from the sport and working on what will be next. He had planned a couple years ago to finish his pro racing career in 2020, but with Covid19 that final season was not at all as he had expected.

Once a Swimmer Always a Swimmer

Alex Kostich started swimming at a very young age and now at age 50 he still swims often and with passion, but he finds inspiration and adventures in many places and not just in the water.

The Gorée Project

Our multisport events memorialize skills we learn when their need was “for real.” There is no more poignant example than the Gorée Island race.

BlackLake Xtreme Triathlon Images

Originally entrants from 20 countries had signed up for this beautiful and challenging venue in Montenegro, but with COVID-19 still looming large this race took place on a very small scale.