Party on Benjamin Sanson
Benjamin Sanson is one of the most respected swimmers in the Professional triathlon world, but the enigmatic French triathlete is also know to have a great fondness for fine wine, parties and women.
ST: Ben, you were first out of the water in Kona this year a step ahead of Andy Potts. Did the swim go as you expected?
Ben: Yes. Andy and I had talked already and decided to swim side by side for the race.
ST: When did you decide on that?
Ben: We talked in June at Alcatraz and also on the day of the briefing (in Kona).
ST: It was somewhat surprising to see you and Andy Potts swimming side by side during the race. Why did you two not draft of each other and maybe gain even more time on the rest of the competitors?
Ben: Like I had mentioned, we decided before the race to swim side by side, and swimming on people’s feet makes me sick;)
ST: Were you surprised that you were not even close to the time of the current record of Lars Jorgensen?
Ben: Lars Jorgensen is a fantastic swimmer plus no one offered me enough money to break the record 😉
ST: How much money needs to be offered for it to be worth for you or any other Pro to attempt breaking the swim record and should be open to amateurs too?
Ben: I would go for the record for $25,000 and it should be only Pro, or amateur too, but only if every body goes out together. It is very different when you go out a few minutes behind. Also, they should put the swim "timing mat" back to just "after the stairs" and not after "the pick up the bags". That is 30 seconds longer than it was before and I was the 1st to step on it, but the swim time was after the "transition tent"! I mean for the record it is important.
ST: Talking about records, what was your best swimming event and what was the fastest time? Also, how fast do you swim that vent these days?
Freestyle is my best event, 200 meter 1:49, 400 meter 3:47, 800 meter 7:51, 1500 meter 15 flat. Today I will swim a 1500 meter in 15:45ish.
ST: Among the top 20 men it appeared that you were the only one who only wore full-length swimskin pants versus a full swimskin suit. Can you tell us why you opted to swim topless?
Ben: Phelps and Peirsol swim with pants for most of their races, plus I don’t like anything on my top. I like to feel free.
ST: Can you describe your athletic background to our readers?
Ben: European and World Jr #1 at the age of 16. I quit swimming at the age of 20 after missing the 88 and 92 Olympics. Started triathlon in 1992 and love the sport.
ST: How much do you still train swimming wise and can you describe a hard swimming session you do?
Ben: 5 days a week at 4 k each
I do several hard sessions the might look like this:
30 100’s race pace
8 100’s max effort
10 300’s aerobic
8 25’s sprint mad
3.8k time trial
ST: Your raced the new Look 596 in Kona with 54/44 chain rings and an 11-21 cassette. How was the new bike and was the gear range?
Ben: Wow you guys notice everything!!! I actually had an 11-23 cassette. The bike is great, I don’t think I had the right aero position for Hawaii though. It being my first time and not knowing the course didn’t help that. My gears also should have been 54/42 and 11-23 because of the winds, it would have worked out better.
ST: The McDonald’s sticker on your bike and helmet, is that just for fun or are they one of your actual sponsors? What else is going for you in terms of sponsorship?
Ben: No, McDonald’s is my main sponsor, along with LOOK, Zerod, Aquaman and Oakley.
ST: Do you follow any other sports?
Ben: Swimming, Athletics (Track & Field), Tour de France, American Football
ST: Can you share with us some of your food likes and dislikes?
Ben: Fruit, Peanut Butter, Cheeseburgers, Ben & Jerry’s Ice cream and good wine!!! I don’t like American Coffee except from Hawaii.
ST: What about music? Can you describe your music taste?
Ben: Electro, house, reggae.
ST: What was the last book you read?
Ben: Total Immersions
ST: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Ben: Racing in Hawaii at the World Championships.
ST: Is there anything else we should know about you?
Ben: I love American women!!! (Editors note: replace "American" with the country wherever Ben currently is)
The big pow wow between Andy Potts and Benjamin Sanson