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The endless pursuit of a perfect fit

Mirinda Carfrae has been working with Mat Steinmetz of 51 Speedshop to improve her bike position for six years now. She was recently at Colorado Multisport working on her new bike with Mat, and it seems that this relentless pursuit of a perfect fit will continue indefinitely.

Mat Steinmetz goes over some numbers with the multiple Ironman World Champion.

Rinny now rides a Cobb JOF 55 saddle, a change from the ISM Attack she rode in Kona.

Mirinda does a great job of hiding these SRAM prototype electronic shifters from our curious eyes.

Time to work.

Steinmetz uses video to illustrate changes.

The well-designed space at Colorado Multisport.

Steinmetz is a hands-on fitter.

The complete Mirinda Carfrae Felt rocketship.

A closer look at the SRAM electronic rear derailleur. No cables in sight.

Carfrae is currently riding on 165mm cranks but will likely go shorter in the future.

A big smile by all at the end of the fit session.

Mat Steinmetz can be reached at



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