We Noticed: Blaze, CLUG …
This week we noticed the Blaze Laserlight, the absolutely tiny CLUG bike rack, the innovative and distinctive EdgeGear SHIFT watch band, the stunning and sad Wetsuitman story by the Norwegian Dagbladet paper, a European bike theft competition and more.
Blaze Laserlight
Being visible while on the bike is a very important topic and it is great to see that more and more companies are stepping up to the plate and are now offering innovative and clever new lights and visibility systems. British brand Blaze is offering the Laserlight, which projects via LED technology a green bike symbol about 20 feet (6meters) ahead of the cyclist who has it mounted on the bars. This very visible concept is not only there to alert motorists, but also pedestrians and other cyclists. So get on it already.
MSRP: £125.00
CLUG bike rack
Yes, the very tiny item below is indeed a bike rack and it likely fits into your front or rear pocket. Once installed the CLUG basically grabs the bike by the tire and holds it in place, so it doesn’t have to be leaned against the fresh painted walls in your home or office. The CLUG is vailable in a few different sizes, but most importantly it fits road tires from 23-32mm in its smallest size. And there are many color options to suit your interior decorating sense and style, or to match or not offend that beloved bike of yours.
MSRP: $25
EdgeGear SHIFT
A watch never seems to sit in an ideal position on the wrist, especially when you are active. Whether you are cycling or running, seeing your data screen usually requires some kind of arm gymnastics. A few years back Timex introduced the OVA (optimal viewing angle) watch, but that meant the customer had to be happy with that specific watch. That effort however did not really stick. EdgeGear now has a different spin on that topic and their SHIFT watchband is compatible with many of today’s fitness and smartwatches. And the patented design lets you swap your watch from the original band to the SHIFT one. The project is in the last hours on Kickstarter but has already reached and surpassed the crowd sourcing fundraising goal of $45,000. But you can still get in ahead of the masses, as the product won’t be delivered until March 2016.
MSRP: n/a
The Wetsuitman
As triathletes we have a certain image in mind when we hear or see the words wetsuit and man, and it likely is not about the situation featured in the very long article by the Norwegian Dagbladet tabloid newspaper – a very sad life and death story that should give us a bit perspective.
You can read the full article in English right here.
European Bike Stealing Championships
Bike theft isn’t really a funny matter, but the crew at We Love Cycling used humor and imagination to bring awareness to that massive bike theft dilemma.
Biscoff cookie spread
On a slightly sweeter European note, how about a delicious Biscoff cookie spread? You already are completely smitten by Nutella as it is, and as you are not sworn to be true to one spread only, it is ok to also enjoy Biscoff. When you have a few jars of this spread in your pantry you can also avoid collecting the Biscoff cookie samples on long Delta flights. Plus you can impress your friends when they come over. What sweet reward will you enjoy after your next hard workout?
MSRP: it depends