What We Have Noticed: Movember 2012
For this issue of What We Have Noticed we look closer at the Movember efforts of Pro triathletes Brandon Marsh, Tyler Butterfield, Matt Lieto, Richard Murray, Tim Reed, Rich Allen and Ian Mikelson. Movember is a combination of the words moustache and November and the annual event in November raises awareness and money for prostate cancer and other male cancers. The movement started in 2004 in Australia and New Zealand and has since grabbed hold in many other countries.
You can either grow a mustache and raise money, or donate some money for this great cause to friends who participate in Movember activities or any of the fine Pros we are featuring here. And it is not too late to get going.
Brandon Marsh (USA)
What: Brandon Marsh is currently focused on Ironman Cozumel but he will return to full Movember attention right after. Marsh actually already has a bunch of supporters who have pledged money and his Mo is looking quite nice, but he has ways to go to reach his goal.
"I'm at $460 and my goal is $1406," said Marsh.
Website: Brandon Marsh's Movember fundraising page

Tyler Butterfield (BER)
What: Tyler Butterfield recently decided to focus on long course racing after representing Bermuda in the London Olympic Games. He told us that he has grown a Mo a few Novembers to show support for prostate cancer, but this is the first year he set up a donation page.
"I though about shaving it before the Ironman, but I though it is an even better way to show support racing with the Mo," said Butterfield. "First time I saw it I lived in Australia, and it is huge down there."
Website: Ty Butterfield's Movember fundraising page

Matt Lieto (USA)
What: The image of Matt Lieto caught on a security cam looks a bit creepy and he agrees, but he also thinks it is classic. Lieto has some lofty goals for his Movember fundraising effort, but here it is a good thing to aim high.
"I am most desperate for donations," said Lieto.
Website: Matt Lieto's Movember fundraising page

Richard Murray (RSA)
What: Richard Murray is a serious threat on the ITU circuit and in Hamburg this year the snatched away the win from Javier Gomez. But right now the fast South African is focused on Movember and raising money for the cause.
"A good deed brightens a hairy world. Please give to my Movember page," said Murray
Website: Richard Murray's Movember fundraising page

Tim Reed (AUS)
What: Aussie Tim Reed is not only a well known budgie smuggler and fast triathlete, he also currently sports a very mean dirty Sanchez mustache and it looks quite natural.
"To raise money for men's prostate cancer and mental health awareness and treatment whilst becoming irresistible to my wife due to my salubrious facial strands," is the motto of Reed.
Website: Tim Reed's Movember fundraising page

Rich Allen (GBR)
What: Rich Allen retired from racing as a Pro several years ago but the Ellis Harriet Clark story inspired him to start racing again. He now lives in the USA with his wife Tonya and they recently had a baby.
"I wasn't specifically going for a Movember look, but I guess I have the Movember appearance now," said Allen.
Website: The Ellis Harriet Clark donation page

Ian Mikelson (USA)
What: Ian Mikelson is actually not fundraising this year, but he is still sporting a superb Mo in support of Movember. The cause is very important to him as his dad had to deal with colon cancer last year.
"I have done it the past 2 years and I didn't want to be that guy that keeps hitting up friends and family every year. So I grew the Mo just to show my support for the cause and do my part to create a little awareness," said Mikelson.
Website: Ian Mikelson's Pro site

Images 2 and 7 are © Kerry Yndestad / slowtwitch.com