What We Have Noticed: T1Pro, Lightweight …
We came across the magnetic T1Pro race belt, noticed that Lightweight aero wheels are coming, tasted the GU Peanut Butter gel, were awed by the Jeremy Scott Adidas sneakers with wings, considered some unique door handles and were smitten by a cute Valentine's Day spot – and product.
T1Pro race belt
What: We recently managed to get our hands on the new magnetic T1Pro race belt and it works very well. No more fumbling in transition, or at the very least, no more transition excuses.
Availability: May 2012
MSRP: $18.95
Website: t1belt.com

A closer look at the magnetic action.
Lightweight Aero
What: German brand Lightweight known appropriately for their light weight wheels is clearly in the process of launching an aero wheel with a very wide rim profile. A prototype was in their booth at Eurobike and this wheel featured here is not a production model either. Launch date is rumored to be the third week of March and we expect to see an 8 spoke version as featured here, and a 16 spoke version as we shared on our Facebook page.
MSRP: n/a
Website: lightweight.info

GU Energy Peanut Butter gel
What: GU Peanut Butter gel has been around for a few months now but peanut buttery items never really got old. We wouldn't suggest putting it on a slice of bread, but what you do with it at home is completely up to you.
MSRP: $11.60 (box of 8)
Website: guenergy.com

Jeremy Scott JS Wings 2.0
What: Wouldn't it be nice to have some wings when you start the run? Jeremy Scott modifies Adidas sneakers and well, gives them wings. The silver/black Wings 2.0 model is one of many offerings on his site. At the very least you could look very fancy before or after the race when everybody else wears flip flops.
MSRP: € 69.99
Website: jeremyscottwing.com

Bang Bang
What: Triathletes seem to be especially trigger happy when it comes to purchasing equipment that may make them faster, or look better, or maybe both. With the bang bang handle you can always be on the trigger without having to worry about the space in the garage. Designer Nikita Kovalev turns 9 mm Makarov pistols into door handles.
MSRP: n/a
Website: behance.net

Field Notes
What: Field Notes are cute little note books and they can truly be used any time, but we are featuring them here today because of the very cute Valentine's Day spot they produced to promote their new Red Blooded product. There is still time to get creative, but for now – enjoy.
Colors: various
MSRP: $9.95 for set of three
Website: fieldnotesbrand.com