What We Have Noticed: The Dash, Bont …
Today we feature The Dash smart in-ear headphone, the entry-level Bont Riot shoes, a rear-facing camera and tail light called Fly6, the cure for too much self love on video, photos and social media plus the escape of a drone.
The Dash
What: Meet The Dash, the world’s first wireless smart in ear headphone, and it is a project that is currently on kickstarter. In addition to playing music of the internal 4GB storage The Dash tracks pace, steps, cadence and distance, plus heart rate, oxygen saturation and energy spent are measured and all of that without having to have a smartphone attached. Check out the video below for all the interesting features worked into The Dash. There are still a few left at the early bird special of $179, but even the next group at $199 sounds like a great deal for such a versatile sounding gadget. Plus with $201,000 pledged out of the $250,000 desired with 47 days to go it looks like it will happen indeed.
Early bird special: $179
Register: kickstarter.com
Bont Riot
What: The Riot is the most affordable cycling shoe in the Bont line but it has many bells and whistles. Just like the Vaypor model the Riot offers a Z form Velcro, a micro adjustable buckle plus ventilation on a power transfer platform but is constructed with different materials in the uppers. For more money you get lots of carbon hugging your feet, and the Riot uses fiberglass to fill that need. But no worries, there are carbon bits too. Bont calls it the world’s first carbon composite heat moldable entry-level cycling shoe and it can be yours for a reasonable cost. Plus unlike some of the Pros out there you won't have to hide your Bont shoes under the shoe covers of a different manufacturer.
Weight: 280 grams
Sizes: 36-50
MSRP: $149
Website: bont.com
Fly6 HD camera and tail-light
What: We have learned by now that several great ideas were developed out of tough personal experiences and that is kind of true for the Fly6 project on kickstarter. Aussies Kingsley Fiegert and Andrew Hagen are the driving force to bring this rear facing HD camera that is embedded in a tail light into the hands of as many cyclists as possible. Fiegert actually was apparently shot by a slingshot from behind during a ride but had no proof of what happened, the Fly6 however will record5 hours of looped video and make you more visible from behind. With 26 days to go the Fly6 project is roughly 2/3 funded and we all can help to push them over the top.
Early bird special: $119 AUD + $15 outside of Australia
Website: kickstarter.com
What: With the massive popularity of smart phones and action cameras more and more folks film themselves doing a variety of activities and sports. But don’t you worry – there is a cure for that.
MSRP: n/a
The Flight of the Phantom
The video below documents the sad escape of Kevin Taddonio's DJI Phantom drone a few days ago. The DJO basically somehow lost the GPS signal and just flew away. Luckily a good person who found it returned this relatively expensive drone to Taddonio, who smartly had added his phone number to the Phantom.