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Tri Dentist David Kahn

David Kahn works long hours as a practicing dentist, but that doesn’t stop him from competing as a professional triathlete. He won the 2011 Rhode Island and started his season last weekend in San Juan

Bacon loving Ben Hoffman

American Pro Ben Hoffman has a very nice array of sponsors with Zoot, Specialized, SRAM, Zipp etc, and among the selected non-endemic ones are Volkswagen automobiles and Tender Belly pork products.

The athlete formerly known as …

Tim Waggoner lives a quiet life about 30 minutes outside of Boulder, Colorado and spends his time with his wife, kids, fishing, running and cycling. Waggoner raced as a Pro triathlete about 10 years ago, but he had a different name then.

A great first Ironman step

Bevan Docherty, 2004 ITU World Champion, 2004 Olympic silver medalist and 2008 Olympic bronze medalist, had a spectacular Ironman debut with a course record at Taupo. Next big career target — Kona.

The speedy Jason Pedersen

Jason Pedersen finished 5th at the recent Escape from Alcatraz event and this former Northern Arizona University track athlete has shown nice improvements since getting his Pro card in late 2011.

Escaping with Jesse Thomas

Jesse Thomas finished 3rd at the 2013 Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon and he recently moved to Bend, Oregon with his wife Lauren Fleshman and their Picky Bars brand. Enjoy this video chat.

The other life of Ollie Williams

Up to the 2012 Olympic Games in London, Ollie Williams was the Olympic sports reporter for BBC Sports and dealt with folks like Alistair Brownlee, but since then he has been busy in the Northwest Territories with aboriginal kids and their families.

Go time for Frederik Van Lierde

Frederik Van Lierde has done well at the Abu Dhabi Triathlon every year and with the 2013 race almost upon us many eyes and a few expectations are on him. We had a few words with him on Skype.

The tinkerer Richard Lockley

Richard Lockley and Moses Sawney own a brand called Von Drais and they make sure your number is attached properly to your bike. Last year athletes in Kona used that system and we expect that many more events will follow suit.

The Fashionista of Betty Designs

Kristin Mayer has designed flashy race kits for Lori Bowden and Michellie Jones, designed for dozens of clients over 20 years in endurance sportswear and is on the rise with her own Betty Designs brand.

Getting to know Rob English

Rob English grew up in England but resides in Eugene, Oregon where he crafts beautiful steel bikes and races them with grit and passion. He recently won Best of Show at the 2013 Handmade Bicycle Show and we had a few words with him.

Rob Verhelst aka Fireman Rob

Firefighter Rob Verhelst ran the marathon of the 2011 Ironman Wisconsin in full gear and has since repeated that awareness effort in 9 other full distance events and a few Halfs. But Fireman Rob is not yet done.