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A Chat with Jodie Stimpson

The loss of her father earlier this year hit Jodie Stimpson very hard, and she had not won a race in quite a while, and thus the Challenge Miami title found her well.

Craig Taylor on Zwift Run

We pinned down Craig Taylor, the Director of Growth Marketing for Running and Triathlon at Zwift to learn more about the run offering and what is still to come.

Kicking Back With Jackie Hering

Wisconsin based Jackie Hering managed to win a 70.3 race before the COVID19 shutdown and more recently raced the PTO Championships, and we had a chat with her.

Up Close with Noel Mulkey

Noel Mulkey did not start triathlon until fairly recently, but he is now all in and pretty good at it. But he was not always lean and mean and had to overcome some hard times.

Matt Hanson on Stepping Up

At the recent PTO Championships in Daytona Matt Hanson put down the hammer during the run a reeled in all but one, and while the run speed wasn’t surprising he had a much lower goal going in.