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2014 Ironman Kona – day 3

As we have learned from previous experiences, Tuesday is when it gets really busy here in Kona, but we saw all kinds of gear, folks and cool bikes.

2014 Ironman Kona – day 2

For us this was already the second full day on the Big Island but starting today more athletes and industry folks are arriving in droves. And we saw quite a bit today.

The 2014 Celtman video

The Celtman Extreme Scottish Tri is a sister event to the famed Norseman race and it is now establishing its own space in the history of the sport.

2014 Ironman Kona – day 1

This may be the earliest we have ever reported from Kona, but we certainly did not hold back. Enjoy these impressions taken on Sunday in and around Kona.

Cupcakes in Kona with Crowie

Craig “Crowie” Alexander is not only an amazing champion but also a super nice person. He sat down with Callum Millward to discuss coming back to Kona and more.

The 2014 Isklar Norseman video

Every year we impatiently await the newest Norseman Extreme Triathlon video and the long wait is now over. Enjoy this stunning video from the unique event.

Ironman Chattanooga images

The inaugural Little Debbie Ironman Chattanooga is in the books and it appeared to be a great success. Here now is a selection of images from the 2014 race.

Ironman Chattanooga Check-In

Virtually all athletes registered for the Little Debbie Ironman Chattanooga have checked their bikes in at Ross’s Landing and we were there to capture impressions.

Ironman Chattanooga Pre Race

The inaugural Ironman Chattanooga is almost upon us and around 2700 athletes will embark on this journey. Here are some images from before the race.

2014 Interbike – day 4

Another day in the sin city is behind us and here are images of what we spied during our fourth day at the 2014 Interbike show in Las Vegas, Nevada