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Ty Butterfield’s Cervelo S5

Here is Tyler Butterfield’s Cervelo S5 rwhich he rode to the fastest bike split in the 2012 London Olympic Triathlon – 58:32 for the 43k course.

He used SRAM Red components with 175mm cranks, Rolf Prima wheels, Tufo tires, Giro 3 strap shoes, SLR Tri saddle and Speedplay pedals.

Tyler rode a TDF 8 Rolf Prima rear wheel and Rolf Prima TDF 6sl front wheel. He confides "I was going to run a pair of TDF 6's as they are the newest and fastest in the line, with the wider rim profile. But the day before the race the valve stem was giving me problems."

Here you can see the tape over the S5 logo and that he ran Tufo S3 Lite tubular tires. In Tyler’s words "I can run the Tufo slim in the tubes as well. It adds a small bit of weight, but is reassurance, that if a small puncture happens, there is a good chance the sealant with seal it and allow me to continue without losing time in a pit stop, which in ITU races means your left way behind."

The view of the Cervelo S5 from the front.

At the Games every logo had to be covered. These aero bars are all carbon, very light, plus very low profile pads. This means Tyler could keep his front end body position as low as possible on a road bike geometry.

A photo of the front Rolf Prima TDF 6sl with only one logo of IOC ruling size. Also notice the bar end cap even has tape on it to cover a logo.

Here you can see how slim the S5 really is.

Tyler only ran one water bottle and used the lower bottle cage mount position to get as aero of a bike as possible. He reasons "I am a realistic person and I knew how the day was going to pan out! A fast ride was the only chance I was going to have at getting back to the front. It didn't eventuate, but I did just grab that fastest bike split and left nothing in the tank."



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