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Articles by Christopher Jang

How to Kill—Your 10k PR

I believe just about every reasonably fit male the age of 45 has the theoretical physiological capacity to run his age for a 10k, that is, a 10k in 45 minutes.

Open water etiquette

Triathletes both allow and suffer some fairly egregious behavior in their races, especially that part of the race taking place in the water.

The Art of Product Management

Yes, your favorite companies’ product managers were all over in Taipei working on next year’s bikes. They’re working hard, no-doubt, but are they designing and spec’ing good bikes?


Ipso facto, if you want to become a champion swimmer (or sinner, for that matter), practice, practice, practice.

Open water as art

The science of swimming will make you fast in the pool. It’s the art of swimming that makes you fast in the open water.

The Hooker

It’s considered the aerodynamic benchmark for double-diamond (front and rear triangle) bikes.

The bike biz

With Interbike right around the corner I thought I’d write a bit about how the bike business works—not everything about it, but the nuts and bolts of how a bike gets from the “paper napkin sketch” to your local bike shop’s showroom floor.

Bike geometry

I ride a 59cm bike or, if it’s a road race bike (as opposed to a tri bike) I’ll ride a 60cm bike. If it’s a Litespeed tri bike, I’ll ride 57cm, and so it goes. How are these bikes measured, and why do I ride different sizes depending on the manufacturer?